About the song

Tom Jones‘ “A Minute of Your Time” is a song that encapsulates the charm and vocal prowess of one of the most iconic voices in music history. Released in 1968, this track became a standout single that further cemented Jones’ status as a pop sensation during a time when his career was on a meteoric rise. The song is part of his album “Help Yourself,” which showcases Jones’ versatility and ability to capture the hearts of his audience through his emotive and powerful singing.

“A Minute of Your Time” is a plea for attention and connection, delivered with Jones’ signature blend of intensity and smoothness. The song’s lyrics tell the story of a man who is yearning for just a brief moment with the person he loves, hoping that even a short interaction can rekindle their connection. This theme of longing and the quest for personal connection is universally relatable, making the song resonate with a broad audience.

Musically, the track features a lush arrangement typical of the late 1960s pop sound, with a rich orchestral backdrop that complements Jones’ dynamic vocal performance. The orchestration provides a dramatic foundation that highlights the emotional weight of the lyrics. Jones’ delivery is both earnest and commanding, as he infuses each line with a sense of urgency and passion that is impossible to ignore.

When “A Minute of Your Time” was released, it was during an era of significant social and cultural change. The late 1960s were marked by movements for civil rights, changing attitudes towards love and relationships, and a burgeoning youth culture that was challenging traditional norms. In this context, Jones’ song stood out not just as a pop hit, but as a reflection of the era’s evolving emotional and social landscape. His ability to tap into the emotional core of his audience allowed him to bridge generational divides, appealing to both young listeners and older generations who appreciated the timeless quality of his music.

The influence of Tom Jones extends far beyond his chart successes. Known for his charismatic stage presence and powerful voice, Jones has become a cultural icon. His impact on the music industry is significant, inspiring countless artists and performers who followed in his footsteps. “A Minute of Your Time” is a perfect example of how Jones could take a simple, heartfelt plea and turn it into a powerful musical statement.

In terms of legacy, “A Minute of Your Time” remains a beloved song among Tom Jones’ extensive catalog. It highlights his ability to convey deep emotion and connect with his listeners on a personal level. This track, along with many others from his career, showcases why Jones has endured as a significant figure in the music industry for decades.

In conclusion, “A Minute of Your Time” by Tom Jones is more than just a song; it is a testament to the enduring appeal of one of music’s greatest voices. Released in 1968 as part of the “Help Yourself” album, the song’s themes of love and connection, combined with its rich musical arrangement and Jones’ powerful performance, ensure that it remains a classic. Its relevance during a time of social change further underscores its impact, making it a cherished piece of music history.



For You to Think of Me
It Would Only Take a Minute of Your Time
To Spare One Thought For Me
Would You Miss Just One Minute of Your Time?
When You Are Far Away
I’d Like to Be Part of Your Time Each Day
So Think of Me
A Minute of Your Time
Is All It Takes to Bring Us Close
When We Are Far Apart
And If I’m On Your Mind
I Know That There’s a Chance
You’ll Ind That I’m There in Your Heart
One Minute Ev’ry Day
May Help to Keep the Wolf Away
Until That Moment You Are Back to Stay
But Better Still I’d Like to Think of Me
Ev’ry Minute of Your Time.