Neil Diamond: New Biographical Musical Headed to Broadway

About the song

  • Released in 1974 as the second single from Neil Diamond’s album “Serenade”
  • Peaked at No. 34 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart and No. 1 on the Easy Listening chart
  • Praised for its strong lyrics, powerful vocals, and rich arrangement

Themes of I’ve Been This Way Before

There isn’t a definitive interpretation of the song’s meaning, but some recurring themes include:

  • Cycles of life: The lyrics suggest a sense of familiarity with the situation, implying the narrator has experienced similar feelings or challenges before.
  • Perseverance: Despite the past struggles, the song maintains a hopeful and determined tone.
  • Growth and learning: The narrator might be reflecting on past experiences to guide themself or others through a difficult time.

Possible Inspiration:

  • Some sources suggest the song was originally intended for the film “JLS” (Jonathan Livingston Seagull) and might explore themes of spiritual growth and transformation.

Overall, “I’ve Been This Way Before” is a powerful ballad that allows for personal interpretation. The themes of resilience and the cyclical nature of life resonate with many listeners.



I’ve seen the lightAnd I’ve seen the flameAnd I’ve been this way beforeAnd I’m sure to be this way againFor I’ve been refusedAnd I’ve been regainedAnd I’ve seen your eyes beforeAnd I’m sure to see your eyes again
Once againFor I’ve been releasedAnd I’ve been regainedAnd I’ve sung my song beforeAnd I’m sure to sing my song againOnce again
Some people got to laughSome people got to crySome people, they got to make it throughAnd never wondering why
Some people got to singSome people got to sighSome people (some people), they never see the lightUntil the day they die
But I’ve been releasedAnd I’ve been regainedAnd I’ve been this way beforeAnd I’m sure to be this way againOnce more time againJust once againOne more time for usJust one last time